Cardiff Theosophical Archive

 Cardiff Theosophical Society, 206 Newport Road, Cardiff, Wales, UK, CF24 – 1DL 

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The Writings of Annie Besant

Annie Besant

(1847 -1933)




Memories Of Past Lives


Death and After ?




The Seven Principles Of Man




Study in Karma


The Ancient Wisdom




In The Twilight

Series of Articles Published 1898 -1913





From a Lecture circa 1889


Theosophy and the

Theosophical Society

London Lecture 1907


Study in Consciousness


Materialism Undermined by Science


Esoteric Christianity


The Hatha-Yoga and

Raja-Yoga of India


The Destinies of Nations


A Rough Outline of Theosophy






The Law of Rebirth


The Inner Government of the World

Lectures delivered at the North Indian Convention, T.S.,

held at Varanasi, September, 1920




Writings by Annie Besant on the Great War


Great Britain and the War


War is Declared


The Deeper Issues of the War


"God’s Temples"


India and England




The Horrors of War


Two World Empires


India and the Future


Divine Incarnation


The Theosophical Society and the War


Christ and War


A Bishop and Animals


St George for England – and Why


East and West-The destinies of Nations


Britain's Place in the Great Plan

Lectures delivered in 1921 with a positive message for the future

in the aftermath of the Great War


Annie Besant and Indian Home Rule


England and India 1906


Annie Besant and

The Indian National Congress


The Case for India


Welsh Theosophists protest against

 the Internment of Annie Besant 1917


Artikelen in Nederlands


Vier Voordrachten over Theosofie


Escritas em Português


O Cristianismo Esotérico

ou Os Mistérios Menores


Os Sete Principios Do Homem


Escrituras en Español


La Sabidura Antigua




Annie Besant

History of the Theosophical Society

Cardiff Blavatsky Archive

Instant Guide to Theosophy

Theosophical Society Cardiff Lodge


Nederlandse en Nederlandstalige Theosofische Siten


Websites e Liações Teosóficas da Lingua Portuguese


Websites Teosoficales Españoles de la Lengua



Return to Homepage


Cardiff Theosophical Archive

 Cardiff Theosophical Society, 206 Newport Road, Cardiff CF24 – 1DL   



For more info on Theosophy

Try these




The Cardiff Theosophical Society Website




The National Wales Theosophy Wesbsite


Dave’s Streetwise Theosophy Boards

The Theosophy Website that

Welcomes Absolute Beginners

If you run a Theosophy Group then please

Feel free to use any material on this Website


Theosophy Cardiff’s Instant Guide to Theosophy


Cardiff Theosophical Archive


Cardiff Blavatsky Archive

A Theosophy Study Resource


Cardiff Theosophy Start-Up

A Free Intro to Theosophy


Cardiff Theosophy Burn-Up



Theosophy Cardiff leaves the

Welsh Regional Association (Formed 1993)

Letter of Separation, March 2008


In March 2008, Theosophy Cardiff, after

considerable discussion and taking legal advice,

made the decision to separate from the

Welsh Regional Association (formed 1993), while

remaining part of the Adyar Theosophical Society.

An amazing level of confusion has arisen

surrounding our decision and we have had

numerous enquiries about the reasons.

It is hoped that this page will

answer most of the questions.




Blavatsky Blogger

Independent Theosophy Blog


Quick Blasts of Theosophy

One Liners & Quick Explanations




Visit the Feelgood Lodge

The main criteria for the inclusion of

links on this site is that they are have some

relationship (however tenuous) to Theosophy

and are lightweight, amusing or entertaining.

Topics include Quantum Theory and Socks,

Dick Dastardly and Legendary Blues Singers.




No Aardvarks were harmed in the

preparation of this Website


Great Theosophists

The Big Names of Theosophy


Pages About Wales

General pages about Wales, Welsh History

and The History of Theosophy in Wales


H P Blavatsky and The Masters

Her Teachers Morya & Koot Hoomi


The Blavatsky Blogger’s

Instant Guide To

Death & The Afterlife


The Most Basic Theosophy Website in the Universe

If you run a Theosophy Group you can use

this as an introductory handout



The New Rock ‘n Roll


The Voice of the Silence


The Key to Theosophy


The South of Heaven Guide

To Theosophy and Devachan


The South of Heaven Guide

To Theosophy and Dreams


The South of Heaven Guide

To Theosophy and Angels


Theosophy and Help From

The Universe


Death & How to Get Through It

Lentil burgers, a thousand press ups before breakfast and

the daily 25 mile run may put it off for a while but death

seems to get most of us in the end. We are pleased to

present for your consideration, a definitive work on the

subject by a Student of Katherine Tingley entitled

“Man After Death”


Wales! Wales! Theosophy Wales

The All Wales Guide to

Getting Started in Theosophy


Theosophy and the Number Seven

A selection of articles relating to the esoteric

significance of the Number 7 in Theosophy


The Tooting Broadway

Underground Theosophy Website

The Spiritual Home of Urban Theosophy


The Mornington Crescent

Underground Theosophy Website

The Earth Base for Evolutionary Theosophy


Classic Introductory Theosophy Text

A Text Book of Theosophy By C W Leadbeater


What Theosophy Is  From the Absolute to Man


The Formation of a Solar System  The Evolution of Life


The Constitution of Man  After Death  Reincarnation


The Purpose of Life  The Planetary Chains


The Result of Theosophical Study



Elementary Theosophy

An Outstanding Introduction to Theosophy

By a student of Katherine Tingley


Elementary Theosophy  Who is the Man?  Body and Soul   


Body, Soul and Spirit  Reincarnation  Karma


The Seven in Man and Nature


The Meaning of Death



Try these if you are looking for a

local Theosophy Group or Centre


UK Listing of Theosophical Groups


Worldwide Directory of Theosophical Links


International Directory of 

Theosophical Societies




Pages about Wales

General pages about Wales, Welsh History

and The History of Theosophy in Wales



Wales is a Principality within the United Kingdom

and has an eastern border with England.

The land area is just over 8,000 square miles.

Snowdon in North Wales is the highest mountain at 3,650 feet.

The coastline is almost 750 miles long.

The population of Wales as at the 2001 census is 2,946,200.